Thursday, January 24, 2013

Web Security Update 01-24-13

Official Update from the Web Security Team

Good morning world,

It has been a while since the Web Security Blog has seen constant updates, and I wanted to let all of our readers know exactly why. We have had web security issues!

Our office was recently the target of a hacking campaign, due to the fact that we post free blog articles on various web security topics. While, we have resolved the issue (for the time-being), we wanted to relay the diagnosis to some of our readers. The computer diagnosis was as-folllows:

The hackers had installed a virus on our network that blocked any new updates to our servers and/or network computers. This means that critical updates can never be installed on the operating systems running these devices. The only option was to wipe them out completely, and start from scratch.

This is a very big lesson that we wanted everyone to know. This virus was the result of an act of sabotage by another company that puts out web security news and articles. We here at Web Security Team do not make any money from this blog, it is simply to provide information. Yet, other blogs and sites, that do make money from their pages, will occasionally attempt certain things to get rid of the competition. This is important information for anyone who has a web-based business. 

If your business is primarily located on the web, you must realize that your place on the web is a privilege, not necessarily a right. Follow the rules, and you will be indexed into search engines, break the rules, and you can be blacklisted from those search engines -- that means that if people search for your business or website, they will not be found; the only way for someone to reach your page is to directly type in your URL. Example:

However, sometimes your competitors might try some unsavory acts to get you penalized, which in-turn ranks them higher than you. This can be done in a multitude of ways; they can send viruses against you and your server, they can slander you online, they can perform reverse-marketing (in-which, your competitor promotes your company or site in a bad light), or they can create websites and online properties that look like they were made by your company, but are in violation of the terms and conditions of the search engines -- this will get you blacklisted.

We have seen all types of these attacks, and they always return. Business owners should be well aware of this practice, as it may one-day affect your business. Even though these incidents do happen, there is always a way to resolve the issues, and ways of increasing your protection from these threats. That is why our blog is back up-and-running, and we will continue to give our readers information on web threats, viruses, and other problems that can, and do come up from time to time.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

PCB Manufacturing

Courtesy of Best Proto

When it comes to creating PCB assembly products, customized computer hardware, or prototypes, Best Proto is the industry's leader. Originally founded as a group of solderers and technicians who held a common passion for creating quality electromechanical and prototype PCB assembly products -- while maintaining a commitment to the highest standard of customer service -- the talented professionals at Best Proto can offer you a myriad of technical solutions to help increase productivity in your business.

To browse through the products and services in their catalog, or to speak with a knowledgeable representative visit Best Proto online at: